Har du vundet en pris, modtaget en bevilling, udgivet en bog eller kommet frem til et spændende forskningsresultat, så kontakt instituttets digitale redaktør, så der kan laves en nyhed.
Hello everyone!
My name is Lucas, and I am part of the most recent cohort of PhD students who started at the department on September 1st. I am brand…
My name is Simon, and I joined the Comparative Politics section as a research assistant on June 1st. I will be working on the project…
Hi everyone,
My name is Mads, and I started as a PhD student here at the Department on September 1st. You have probably seen me around before, as I…
Hello everyone,
My name is Harald Brønd, and this September, I'm starting as a PhD student in the comparative politics section here at the…
My name is Samuel, and I just started as a PhD student in the section for Political Behavior and Institutions, and I will be affiliated…
Med 25.000 kr. fra H.M. Dronning Margrethe II's Rejselegat får kandidatstuderende i statskundskab, Amalie Andkær Pedersen, mulighed for at søge ind på…
Den nye bog "Consensual Policy-Making in the Nordic World" forfattet af Peter Munk Christiansen er udkommet på forlaget Aarhus University Press.
Den nye bog "Offentlig forvaltning - et politologisk perspektiv" er en autoritativ og dækkende lærebog i offentlig forvaltning set fra et politologisk…
Postdoc i statskundskab Claire M. Gothreau modtager Roberta Sigel Award fra International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) for sit paper om…
Hi everyone!
I started as an assistant professor in the political sociology section this August. I’ve just returned from the US, where I was a…
Lektor i statskundskab Suthan Krishnarajan fra Aarhus BSS ved Aarhus Universitet vinder pris for sin demokratiforskning.
Ny bog om centraladministrationens embedsfolk som folkestyrets formidlere.
Snart træder en ny lov om arbejdstidsregistrering i kraft i Danmark. Med loven skal mange medarbejdere på AU fremover registrere deres arbejdstid.…
Et nyt hold offentlige ledere har gennemført masteruddannelsen i offentlig ledelse.
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