If you have won an award, received a grant, published a book or arrived at an interesting research result, please contact the department’s digital editor so that we can create a news item.
Hi everyone,
My name is Samuel, and I just started as a PhD student in the section for Political Behavior and Institutions, and I will be affiliated…
DKK 25,000 from The HM Queen Margrethe II’s Travel Grant helps Master’s degree student in political science, Amalie Andkær Pedersen, apply to study at…
The new book "Consensual Policy-Making in the Nordic World" by Peter Munk Christiansen has been published by Aarhus University Press.
The new book is an authoritative and comprehensive textbook on public administration seen from a political science perspective. Revised by Jens…
Postdoctoral researcher in political science Claire M. Gothreau receives the Roberta Sigel Award from the International Society of Political…
Hi everyone!
I started as an assistant professor in the political sociology section this August. I’ve just returned from the US, where I was a…
Associated Professor of Political Science, Suthan Krishnarajan, from Aarhus BSS at Aarhus University, has been awarded for his research on democracy.
Ny bog om centraladministrationens embedsfolk som folkestyrets formidlere.
A new act on registration of working hours will soon come into force in Denmark. Under the act, many staff at AU will be required to register their…
Jørgen Møller's new book "Historien om Europa" uses four major themes to show how European societies have been turned upside down time and time again,…
Associate Professor of Political Science Suthan Krishnarajan from Aarhus BSS is one of this year’s new Sapere Aude research leaders. His research…
My name is Astrid, and I just started as a research assistant on June 1st at the Leadership Center here at the department. I finished my…
Professor of Political Science, Anne Mette Kjær, has received a grant of DKK 10 million from Danida for research into how local authorities in Uganda…
Hello everyone,
My name is Winnie, and I have recently joined as a postdoctoral researcher here. You may have seen me around as I am part of the…
Political science Professor Martin Bækgaard has received DKK 6.2 million from Independent Research Fund Denmark to investigate party leaders’…
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