If you have won an award, received a grant, published a book or arrived at an interesting research result, please contact the department’s digital editor so that we can create a news item.
Aarhus University once again invites all AU employees to join their colleagues for a run or walk. You can still register for the race.
The annual Regatta (Kapsejladsen) will be held in the University Park on Friday 29 April. Some streets and parking spaces in the University Park will…
The board of Aarhus University has adopted the statement ‘Freedom of expression for staff and students at Aarhus University’. The statement is…
The new book takes the most important claims about the essence, development and state of democracy under critical consideration and shows how these…
Michael Bang Petersen’s major contribution to society during the COVID-19 pandemic has been noticed by Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II. She now…
Academic staff at AU can participate in Circle U. activities to strengthen their research and network. The current activities include workshops on…
In summer 2025, Aarhus BSS will move its activities at Fuglesangs Allé to the University City. The plans for the new facilities are well underway, and…
"Digitalization and the welfare state" is out on Oxford University Press. The book is edited by Marius R. Busemeyer, Achim Kemmerling, Kees Van…
Right now, students at AU can apply for one of Circle U.’s three summer schools in Europe. Participation is free of charge and comes with a travel…
75 per cent of AU employees have answered the questionnaire for WPA 2022. When the results are ready, local follow-up work can start at the individual…
New research shows that public health authorities should focus on building long-term hope during the pandemic. If new variants of coronavirus emerge,…
21 PhD students will battle to become AU’s contestant in the European final of the Three Minute Thesis Competition, which crowns the best research…
Do you use your AU credit card for online purchases? Then you need to download the Eurocard app. All cardholders who haven’t yet downloaded the app…
The book examines the policy agenda effects of four central aspects of any political system: institutions, problems, elections and actors.
In the Brexit referendum in 2016, Liverpool voted “remain”. Now, research shows that citizens in the Liverpool area have become less sceptic towards…
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