If you have won an award, received a grant, published a book or arrived at an interesting research result, please contact the department’s digital editor so that we can create a news item.
There will be lots of new student representatives on councils, boards and committees as well as on the university board soon. The results of the 2022…
The COVID-19 crisis caused broad segments of the public to support protests and feel concerned about their own political rights, according to new…
The new book, edited by Tonny Brems Knudsen and Cornelia Navari, contributes to the ongoing debate about the changing world order from an…
Which students should serve on the boards of studies, academic councils, PhD committees and AU’s board? That’s what’s at stake for students and PhD…
At the recent annual meeting of Danish Political Science Association, Professor of Political Science Svend-Erik Skaaning was appointed new president.
Associate professor of political science Martin Bisgaard from Aarhus BSS has been appointed research affiliate at the University of California,…
What is personal data, and where is the line between ordinary and sensitive personal data? If you’re unsure, you’re not alone. And the answer is not…
AU now has a carpooling club that will make it fast and easy to find colleagues and students who are going your way. Join the club on the Ta’Med app…
If you need to travel for work, the university encourages you to choose the most climate-friendly form of travel – and to think twice about whether…
Thanks to a national partnership between universities in Denmark, you can now apply for access to supercomputing power for your research project. DeiC…
The AU fitness centre (AU Motion) offers exercise facilities and classes for current and former employees of Aarhus University. And the autumn season…
Lydia Tsiakiri is new PhD student at the department.
Gabriela Clara A Camacho Garland is a new postdoctoral researcher at the Department.
Louise Halberg Nielsen is new PhD student at the department.
In 2021, he averaged eight daily appearances in Danish media, and he has also communicated his knowledge internationally in media such as CNN, BBC,…
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