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My name is David and I recently arrived in Aarhus from The Arctic University of Norway, where I’m working on my PhD at the Institute of Philosophy.
My research project will focus on the relationship between climate justice and animal rights, specifically examining the challenges of taking…
Hello, everyone,
My name is Amanda Friesen, and I am the Canada Research Chair in Political Psychology and Associate Professor of Political Science and Psychology at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. I will be a visiting scholar with CEPDISC for the months of March and April.
I am a…
“What is the relationship between politicians’ roles and their vocal pitch, and how can we use audio data to provide empirical insights?” er emnet for Mathias Rask Jeppesens ph.d.-forsvar.
Great powers have a long history in the Middle East, which famously has been described as the ‘most penetrated regional system in the world.’ At the same time, it is also recognized that Middle East…
“The Impact of Low-Carbon Industries on National Climate Politics” er emnet for Karl Magnus Møllers ph.d.-forsvar.
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Er du studerende, ansat eller forsker på AU med interesse for iværksætteri? Og kunne du tænke dig at være i et støttende fællesskab, hvor vidensdeling…
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Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus Universitet
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