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My name is Robert, and I just joined the department as a new PhD student on February 1st. I am new to Aarhus, having previously lived in Berlin, where…
Hi everyone,
My name is Petrea. I started as a new PhD student here at the department on 1 February and I will be a part of the Public Administration…
My name is Juliane, and I have just started as a PhD student in the department and will be joining the political sociology section.
Hi everyone!
My name is Christian, and I just started as a PhD student at the department. I will be joining the section for public administration.
My name is Pernille and I am one of the new PhD-students at the department. I have done both my bachelor and my masters in political…
Hello everyone,
My name is Sara Þöll Finnbogadóttir and I joined the department as a PhD student on the 3rd of February. I am completely new to the…
My name is Mikkel, and starting February 3rd, I have the pleasure of embarking on a four-year project as a PhD student here at the…
My name is Mads Hove. I am a new RA/Postdoc on Troels’ polarization project and will be part of the political behavior section. I have just handed in…
"Metoder i Statskundskab" er udkommet i fjerde udgave ved Hans Reitzels Forlag.
Der er både fordele og ulemper ved at føre en aktiv beskæftigelsesindsats, som Danmark har gjort i årtier. Men der er en åbenlys skævvridning i, hvem…
I uge 9 er det igen tid til at gennemføre en arbejdspladsvurdering på AU – den såkaldte APV. Nu kan du orientere dig om processen.
My name is Kamma, and I've just started as an office assistant at the Department of Political Science.
I will be working with Christian to help with…
The new book by Jørgen Møller and Georg Sørensen is a truly accessible introduction to international relations, which demystifies the key theories,…
Daniel Finke, David Andersen, Roman Senninger og Svend-Erik Skaaning fra Institut for Statskundskab er blandt modtagerne.
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