Ny datamanager - Anders Søndergaard Røn

Hi everyone!
My name is Anders and I started as the department Data Manager October 15th, so some of you might have seen me around the coffee machine without knowing who I was. I graduated from the linguistics MA program this summer, so this is my first “real job” which is really exciting.
My role at the department will be to advise the department’s researchers on various aspects of research data management, for instance how to navigate the various GDPR requirements when processing personal data. In addition to this department, I am also employed at the department of Management, so I will be splitting my time between the two departments. Further, this is a new position at both departments and we, especially I, are still in the learning stages. However, when things are more figured out you will hear more, and the figurative floodgates will be opened 😉.
When I am not reading up on the intricacies of GDPR I enjoy spending time with friends, listening to, and playing, music, cycling and especially reading. I am a huge fan of older classics and have recently started a Shakespeare reading club with my friend, with the goal of reading all of his plays, which is great fun.
While I’m not fully operational yet, you are all more than welcome to drop by my office (1331-123) and have a chat. I’m always interested in hearing what people are up to, and I look forward to meeting all of you!