The teaching credits (K) system is the department’s internal norm registration system, which is used to keep track of the teaching activities of our members of academic staff as well as administrative tasks.
This system is used by PhD supervisors for approving PhD plans and semi-annual evaluations, among other things.
STADS-VIP is a system where examiners and co-examiners register the student’s exam results online.
RejsUd is Aarhus University’s travel and expense settlement system.
Read more about RejsUd at
You can book trips online on the CWT portal. You can also check in and see your itinerary and a range of other information about travel. Read more about booking flights at
Using PURE, AU staff can add their CV, publications, area of expertise and research etc. to their personal webpage.
On, you can read more about PURE's functions, find user guidelines and log into your web pages.
See also the page 'Reporting research', where you can find a range of information about PURE, user guidelines, contact persons and much more.
Aarhus University uses WAYF login (Where Are You From). This login can be used for multiple AU systems, e.g. AULA. You can get a login at