Ny ph.d.-studerende: Elizaveta Popkova

Elizaveta Popkova
Elizaveta Popkova Foto: Privat

Hi everyone!

My name is Elizaveta and I started as a PhD student in the international politics section on September 1. I am new to Aarhus, but I am really excited to start my PhD here!

My research will focus on examining the diffusion of state coercive practices among authoritarian regimes. I am interested in the question of whether the existence of linkages among authoritarian states affects the diffusion and improvement of state coercion tools used against the opposition and ordinary citizens. To help me navigate this, I have Jacob Tolstrup as my main supervisor and Clara Neupert-Wentz as my co-supervisor.

In my free time I like to read, meet friends over a glass of beer or wine and play board games, as well as walking and traveling to various non-obvious places with history and beautiful nature. My latest hobby that came from traveling is related to the study of architecture.

Please feel free to drop by my office (1332-213) if you want to discuss authoritarian politics and protest movements or just have a coffee and talk about literature, architecture or anything else.