New PhD Student - Signe Carlsen

Hi everyone!
My name is Signe and I started as a PhD student at the department on Feb. 1st. You may have seen me around before, as I have been working as a research assistant at CFA up until now. It has been a pleasure working at CFA, but I am also very existed to start my PhD journey at political science.
My PhD project is dedicated to exploring the significance of temporary residency and protection on newcomers’ civic integration. I am interested in how the paradox of living under prolonged temporariness while still being expected to integrate fully, and I plan to study this through interviews. To help me navigate this, I have Kristina Bakkær Simonsen as my main supervisor and Tine Ravn as my co-supervisor. I’ll be part of the Sociology section.
I hold a BSc and MSc in Political Science from AU. During my studies I spent a semester spend abroad in Lille, France, and worked at The Danish Institute for Non-Formal Education. Since graduating I’ve been with CFA, learning the world of responsible research and innovation.
When I am not working, I enjoy hiking and travelling (especially together), running, and doing creative crafts. I am also fond of coffee drinking. Feel free to stop by my office (1332-213) for a chat or a coffee. I look forward to meeting all of you.