If you have won an award, received a grant, published a book or arrived at an interesting research result, please contact the department’s digital editor so that we can create a news item.
The new book is published by Oxford University Press and is edited by Anne Mette Kjær, Marianne S. Ulriksen and Ane Karoline Bak.
Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen from the Department of Political Science is among the recipients. He has received a Semper Ardens Accomplish Grant of DKK…
My name is Miklos, and I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination…
The Department of Political Science appoints three new professors.
Love Aksel Christensen from Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, is honored to be the first European to receive the Best Dissertation Award by the APSA…
Hello everyone!
My name is Muzhou, and I just started my postdoctoral job here in the comparative politics section. During the next two years I will…
Together with his co-authors, Martin Vinæs Larsen, associate professor of political science has received the award for best article on European…
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen publishes new book with the title "The Beam and the Mote: On Blame, Standing, and Normativity."
Lene Aarøe is now an AIAS fellow. During her AIAS-SHAPE fellowship, Lene Aarøe will be working on the project 'Social Media Exemplars and Democratic…
My name is Mathies and I joined the department on September 1st as a new PhD student. I’m on the 4+4 program, which means that I’ll…
Hi everyone
My name is Mathias and I recently started as a PhD student at the department. As I have done both my BA and MA here at the department, I…
My name is Katrine, and I started as a PhD student here at the department on September 1st. If you have wandered about at TrygFonden’s Centre for…
Master’s degree student in political science Tobias Rehoff Hyldahl receives HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant.
Hi everyone! My name is Oliver, and I recently started as a research assistant here at the department. Some of you might recognize me, as I completed…
my name is Julia, and I recently joined the department’s PhD programme and the IR section. Before coming to Aarhus, I studied Philosophy…
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