New PhD student

Hello there!
My name is Paula, and I am one of the new PhD students at the department who started on February 1st. I am a newbie to Aarhus University as I studied my master’s degree in Copenhagen and my bachelor’s degree at the University of Mannheim. Originally, I am from Düsseldorf, Germany.
In my PhD project, I’ll focus on place-based inequality and its connection to right-wing populist voting behavior. Does the place where we live and spend a lot of our daily lives influence which party we vote for? Which dimensions of place matter? And which mechanism explains this connection? Can policymakers impact this relationship? These are only a few questions that I am interested in and want to find an answer to. Luckily, I have the support of my supervisors, Martin Vinæs and Kim Mannemar Sønderskov, on this PhD journey. With this project, I’ll be part of the political behavior and institutions section.
In my life outside of work, I enjoy cooking a lot. I also like to spend my time going to cafés, reading, and taking walks. Book, café, and walking route suggestions are happily taken!
My office is in 1341-112 and you are very welcome to come by for a chat about inequality (broadly speaking), populism, (geo) data, a good book you read, or whatever there is to talk about. I’m very much looking forward to getting to know you. See you!