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Hello everyone!
My name is Muzhou, and I just started my postdoctoral job here in the comparative politics section. During the next two years I will…
Lektor i statskundskab Martin Vinæs Larsen får sammen med medforfattere pris for bedste artikel om europæisk politik fra American Political Science…
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen udgiver ny bog med titlen "The Beam and the Mote: On Blame, Standing, and Normativity."
Områder med AU medarbejderparkering er uændret, og her kan du parkere, som du plejer.
Lene Aarøe er nu AIAS-stipendiat. Under sit AIAS-SHAPE stipendium skal Lene Aarøe arbejde på projektet 'Social Media Exemplars and Democratic…
My name is Mathies and I joined the department on September 1st as a new PhD student. I’m on the 4+4 program, which means that I’ll…
Hi everyone
My name is Mathias and I recently started as a PhD student at the department. As I have done both my BA and MA here at the department, I…
My name is Katrine, and I started as a PhD student here at the department on September 1st. If you have wandered about at TrygFonden’s Centre for…
Kandidatstuderende i statskundskab Tobias Rehoff Hyldahl modtager årets Dronning Margrethe II’s rejselegat. Legatet på 25.000 kroner overrækkes ved…
Hi everyone! My name is Oliver, and I recently started as a research assistant here at the department. Some of you might recognize me, as I completed…
my name is Julia, and I recently joined the department’s PhD programme and the IR section. Before coming to Aarhus, I studied Philosophy…
My name is Emilie Farø (Faroe in English), and I just started as a PhD student in the Sociology Section here at the department on…
Hello! My name is Hannah and I am starting as a new PhD Student in the IR section from the 1st of September onwards. My research will explore public…
Adjungeret professor i statskundskab, Deborah Stone, udnævnes til æresdoktor ved Aarhus Universitets Årsfest.
American Political Science Association hædrer Rasmus Skytte, Martin Bisgaard og Rune Slothuus fra Aarhus Universitet med pris for forskning om,…
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