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Kong Frederiks Center for Offentlig Ledelse er det nye navn på et seks år gammelt forskningscenter ved Aarhus BSS på Aarhus Universitet.
Thomas Artmann Kristensen, Peter Bjerre Mortensen, Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Henrik Bech Seeberg modtager prisen Peter John Prize for bedste artikel…
Hi everyone!
My name is Lei, and I've recently joined the team at CEPDISC as a postdoc, collaborating with Dr. Lotte Thomsen. My academic journey has…
Folketingsvalget i 2022 blev præget af to sammenhængende fænomener: en intens kamp om den politiske midte og et stort fokus på partilederne – ikke…
Hi everyone,
My name is Juliane, and I have recently joined the department as a research assistant for Kristina Bakkær Simonsen, where I will be…
Hello everyone
My name is Rasmus, and I am a new PhD student in the section for political theory. I did both my BSc and MSc at the department, and I…
Hello everyone!
My name is Victor, and I am very happy because I just started my journey as a phd student here at the department, joining the…
My name is Anne Sofie and I just started as a PhD student here at the department in the section for public Leadership. I am a political…
Hello there!
My name is Paula, and I am one of the new PhD students at the department who started on February 1st. I am a newbie to Aarhus University…
My name is Mario and I am a new PhD student since the 1st of February. In my project, I will investigate how countries differ in their…
My name is Maria, and I am a new PhD student at the department.
In my PhD project, I want to investigate negotiations of the inclusion…
My name is Signe and I started as a PhD student at the department on Feb. 1st. You may have seen me around before, as I have been…
Hello everybody!
My name is Alexandra and I happily joined CEPDISC on February 1st as a PhD Fellow. My research project centers on the study of…
My name is Costin and I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Aarhus University, working on the "What Politicians Believe About Voter…
Fjerde udgave af grundbogen "International Politik NU" er udkommet.
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