Recognised journals and publishers

The below list specifies journals of the very highest international standard within the department’s fields of research.

List of particularly attractive journals (category three)

1. American Journal of Political Science
2. American Journal of Sociology
3. American Political Science Review
4. American Sociological Review
5. British Journal of Political Science
6. Comparative Political Studies
7. European Journal of International Relation
8. European Journal of Political Research
9. Governance
10. International Organization
11. International Security
12. International Studies Quarterly
13. Journal of Conflict Resolution
14. Journal of European Public Policy
15. Journal of Peace Research
16. Journal of Political Philosophy
17. Journal of Politics 

19. Perspective on Politics
20. Philosophy and Public Affairs
21. Policy Studies Journal
22. Political Analysis
23. Political Communication
24. Political Psychology
25. Public Administration
26. Public Administration Review
27. Regulation and Governance
28. Research Evaluation
29. Research Policy
30. Science, Technology and Human Values
31. Socio-Economic Review
32. Theory Culture and Society
33. West European Politics
34. World Politics  

Employees who publish an article in one of the above journals will receive a one-time bonus according to the pay agreement for members of academic staff at the Department of Political Science (see page seven - in Danish only).