
Below please find lists of present and former PhD students and the titles of their projects.

Current PhD students



Albek, Ida Braad International pressure and human rights violations
Allinger, Tim Lars  The impact of elites’ norm violations on citizens’ democratic attitudes and behavior
Andresen, Mathies Jæger Marginalization, social media and antisystemic attitudes and behavior
Andresen, Rasmus Marquard Command Teams – en mixed method-undersøgelse af Forsvarets nye ledelsesform
Balezina, Maryana The role of dehumanization in subtle discrimination of queer individuals
Barrett, Hannah Elizabeth Jakob In NATO We Trust? Confidence in Leadership as a Potential Driver of NATO Legitimacy
Bauriegel, Mario Environmental policy and electoral coalitions: What explains the different environmental protection strategies of countries?
Bings, Paula Natalie Place-based determinants of voting behavior: To what extent does spatial inequality explain support for right-wing populism?
Brønd, Harald Pathways to the political elite: The careers of ministerial advisors
Bundgaard, Laura Moralsk stress blandt velfærdsprofessionelle: Betydningen af moralsk stress for opgaveløsning og organisatoriske resultater i den offentlige sektor
Carlsen, Signe On borrowed time – investigating the significance of temporariness on civic citizenship
Chemnitz, Esther Ørbæk How Online Audiences Shape Online Political Hostility 
Columban, Alexandra Inequalities at Work: Ethnic and Gender Discrimination against the Roma
Couto, Lucas Looking at Coalitional Presidentialism from Below: the relationship between voters and coalition politics in presidential democracies
Dorf, Anna Christine Hjuler Plague or cholera? The Conflict between non-discrimination and cost-effectiveness in health cure rationing
Egendal, William Burchardt Magtens Korridorer i Bruxelles – Den uformelle kommunikations indflydelse på EU lovgivning
Eriksen, Daniel Møller Gammel Vin på Nye Flasker? Partiers Emnekonkurrence på Sociale Medier i Et Nyt Mediemiljø
Falkvist, Mathias Stenner Rewriting the Only Game in Town: Can Politicians Change Voters’ Perceptions of Democracy and Democratic Rules
Farø, Emilie  Similar Violence, But Different Responses? Understanding Biases in Media, Public and State Responses to Different Types of Political Violence
Fenger, Jannik I en tid med vildledning: Hvilken rolle spiller politiske partier?
Grønhøj, Benedicte Omand  Do street-level bureaucrats put their ideological attitudes aside?
Gustafsson, Rasmus Kappelgaard When the private becomes political – The role of political lifestyle cues on voters’ attitudes
Hargraves, Emma Kjær Styring, ledelse og organisatorisk læring i den kommunale klimaindsats
Hejstvig-Larsen, Victor Nordgaard Hvorfor afkoder politikerne vælgernes holdninger forkert?
Hollmann, Nadine Causes and Consequences of Coproduction in the Public Sector: Economic Incentives, External Interests, and Organizational Performance 
Hvid, Rasmus Møller The Imperative Mandate and the Future of Democracy
Jacobsen, Ane Edslev Does taxation trigger collective action among disadvantaged taxpayers
Jensen, Anne Sofie Glasdam Ledelse af tværfaglige teams i sundhedsvæsnet
Jensen, Andreas Videbæk Democratic Participation and Psychosocial Attributes - do psychosocial attributes in childhood and adolescence influence democratic participation?
Jeppesen, Mathias Rask Representation of Social Groups and Home Style: How Legislators' Descriptive Group Membership Influence Their Verbal, Non-verbal and Visual Political Communication
Karcic, Ali Religiosity and Political Climate: Understanding Out-Group Tolerance among European Muslims
Kaalund, Maria  Negotiations of human-nature relations and legal subjectivity: (which) nature´s right to have rights?
Kolding, Rikke Overvad Identity- and Meaning Formation in the Encounter between Prison Officers and Prisoners. A Study of a Danish Open Male Prison
Luttervelt, Mads Pieter van Flytter troværdighed bjerge? Betydningen af ledertroværdighed for målopnåelse i offentlige organisationer
Møller, Karl Magnus Global Energy relations and national climate politics
Nennstiel, Julia Hárune Anti-regime protests and the temporal dynamics of security force insubordination
Nielsen, Louise Halberg  Hvorfor deltager kvinder mindre i politik end mænd? Betydningen af politiske rollemodeller
Nielsen, Anders Leth Local policy implementation - How can we understand the role of local government in policy implementation processes?
Nørgaard, Mads Peder Johannes Heuer Skov Politisk utilfredshed i et socialpsykologisk perspektiv
Nielsen, Ida Nørregaard Anekdotisk eller statistisk evidens: Hvad betyder evidensgrundlag for den moralske vurdering af diskrimination?
Petersen, Ida Vind  Collective responsibility and liability in war
Popkova, Elizaveta Authoritarian linkages and diffusion of repression among authoritarian regimes
Pradella, Lea To Listen or Not to Listen: Causes and Countermeasures of Political Hostility in Online Contexts 
Rachid, Ashraf Sociale netværk og statsborgerskab
Rindom, Mads  Politisk utilfredshed i et socialpsykologisk perspektiv
Serup, Samuel Bjerg Ethnic discrimination on social media: Does virtual interethnic exposure lead to discriminatory behavior and attitudes?
Søgaard, Simon Tangen Climate adaptation and poverty in Africa
Thorsen, Emilie Kristine Dyrlev Transcending the therapeutic room: An investigation of how digital mental health solutions reshape treatment
Tsiakiri, Lydia  Discrimination against acquired features: An integrated empirical ethics assessment through the lens of a chosen lifestyle compared to an inescapable income. 
Vree, Anna van Metaphors of Immigration: a Study in Cognitive Linguistics, Political Discourse and Attitudes
Winsløw, Mathilde Albertsen How information and communication technology influences leadership in physically dispersed public organisations

Previously awarded PhD and Licentiate degrees




April 2024 Ahrensberg, Nanna Vestergaard Når boblen brister: Hvordan muslimske friskoleelever klarer sig i overgangen til ungdomsuddannelser
April 2024 Kragh, Aske Horneman Symbolic Boundaries and Network Structures: Socioeconomic Inequalities in Adolescent Status Relations
March 2024 Jensen, Andreas Videbæk Democratic Participation and Psychosocial Attributes - do psychosocial attributes in childhood and adolescence influence democratic participation?
February 2024 Vigano, Edoardo Electoral Incentives and Distrubutive Benefits: Evidence from Italy
December 2023 Degn, Simone Sommer A new protected trait or just socially salient group trait
December 2023 Frederiksen, Kristian Vrede Skaaning Competent citizens or unconstrained governments? Consequences of democratic cutbacks for political trust, citizen competence, and democratic sustainability
November 2023 Grøn, Anders Barslund Will Teamwork Make the Dream Work? Interorganizational collaboration: leadership strategies and employees' willingness
November 2023 Kolstad, Karoline Larsen Organisatoriske styringsinstrumenter og markarbejderadfærd
November 2023 Haunstrup, Jørgen Skovhus Digital understøttelse af transformationsledelse og resultatskabelse
November 2023 Lehrle-Fry, Jake Assessing parental partiality, a loving approach
October 2023 Karmsten, Kirstine  Caseworker Professionalism: Turnover and Clients' Trust
August 2023 Christensen, Matias Engdal Når det daglige bliver politisk
May 2023 Leipziger, Lasse Egendal Economic inequality and democracy: A comparative analysis of the impact of economic inequality on the resilience and quality of democracy
May 2023 Kruse, Mathias Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust
May 2023 Rasmussen, Jesper Triggering Online Political Hostility
April 2023 Schjødt, Rasmus Jensen The Psychology of Administrative Burden
March 2023 Halling, Aske Administrative Burden and Etnicity
March 2023 Aarslew, Laurits Florang Autokratiske valg og regimestabilitet: Civilsamfundets betingende rolle
February 2023 Vestergaard, Mathias Bukh Medier, politikere og valgløfter: Hvordan hænger det sammen?
January 2023 Daur, Valentin  The effects of radical right party parliamentary entry on public discourse over immigration
January 2023 Filip Kiil Motivated empirical political beliefs and social media
November 2022 Anders G. Wieland On the historical Causes and Consequences of Early Democracy
November 2022 Niels Nyholt The Importance of Localism in Politics
November 2022 Mathias Rask Østergaard-Nielsen Konsekvenserne af fagprofessionelles medindflydelse på målformuleringen i sundhedsvæsenet
September 2022 Tobias Risse The (In-)Effectiveness of Arms Control in Crisis Regions: Linkages between Political Violence, Weapons Transfers, and the UN General Assembly
September 2022 Matilde Jeppesen The Importance of the Administrative Set-up for Revenue Performance in Developing Countries
September 2022 Anne Kirstine Rønn Countercurrents. An In-depth Study of Anti-sectarian Movements in Lebanon and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Exploring the Implications of Using Different Strategies to Counter Sectarianism  
June 2022 Danielle May Effects of Party Funding Models upon Responsiveness and Participation
May 2022 Jens Jørund Tyssedal Justice and Access to Meaningful Work
May 2022 Clara Siboni Lund Fagprofessionelles møde med maskinlæring – et panelstudie af fagprofessionelles anvendelse af maskinlæring og faglig ledelses betydning

April 2022

Anne-Sofie Greisen Højlund Why (not) paternalism? Perspectives from relational egalitarianism
April 2022 Emily Rose Tangsgaard

Risk Management in Public Service Delivery

March 2022 Tobias Bach-Varneskov The Right Politics of Income Taxation 
March 2022 Sarah Yde Junge Administrative Grouping in Public Service Agencies
February 2022 Steffen Selmer Andersen Policy Illegitimacy Provides Cause for Acceptance of Political Violence: Experimental Evidence from Denmark. 
January 2022 Lisa Hirsch Raining on your Parade: Negative Party Communication in Election Campaigns and Beyond.
December 2021 Didde Boisen-Andersen My Body To Do With As I See Fit? 
December 2021 Amalie Trangbæk Life at the top. Understanding top bureaucrats’ roles as the link between politics and administration
December 2021 Henrik Lauritsen Saudi Arabia and Iran Rivalry and Regime Security in the Persian Gulf, 1979-2011



Johan Gøtzsche-Astrup

The Experience of Contention: Tackling the boundary between protests and riots

November 2021

Stefan Boye

Managerial Autonomy in Public Organisations 

November 2021

Frederik Godt Hansen

Trust in Governmental Institutions: How Government Performance Matters

September 2021 Lasse Schmidt Hansen

That’s the System: An Ethnographic and Theoretical Account of Bureaucratic Decoupling in Welfare Encounters

Juli 2021 Lauritz Aastrup Munch Don’t Look: Essays on the Morality of Privacy
June 2021 Nikolaj K. Andersen The Road to Empire? Assesing the Emergence of a China-Centric Geoeconomic Order

May 2021 

Marie Kaldahl Personalization of Representation: A New Relationship between Legislators an Political Parties

January 2021

Trine Høj Fjendbo Who do you Lead? The Importance of Employee Gender and Traits in a Leadership Context
January 2021 Vilde Lunnan Djuve Regime Transitions Revisited: Concepts, Correlates, and Incumbent-led Processes
December 2020 Thomas Kristensen The Politics of Numbers: How Problem Indicators and Party Competition Influence Political Attention
December 2020 Klaus Jonathan Klüser

Beyond Portfolios. Bureaucratic Issue Attention in Coalition Governments 

December 2020 Andreas Bengtson Who Should Decide? An Inquiry in Democratic Theory
December 2020 Matilde Tofte Thorsen

Only In It for Power and Wealth? Investigating Dictators’ Motives 

November 2020 Alexander Taaning Grundholm Dilemmas of Dictatorial Rule: The Inherent Trade-offs of Autocratic Survival Strategies
November 2020 Jonathan Doucette The Roots of Urban Self-Government
November 2020 Mikkel J. Hjelt The Radical Milieu: A Socio-Ecological Analysis of Salafist Radicalization in Aarhus, 2007-2017
October 2020 Arzoo Rafiqi

Can Muslims be Democratic? Empirical Evidence on the Influence of Muslim Religiosity on Support for Democracy

March 2020 Mette Bisgaard Perceiving the Unobservable. How Partisanship and Everyday Life Influence Citizens' Perceptions of the National Economy
February 2020 Frederik Juhl Jørgensen How to Develop Policies That Foster Refugee Integration and Are Supported by Voters
December 2019 Maiken Gelardi From Old White Men to What? Critical Reflections on the Mission to Globalize International Relations
November 2019 Niels Bjørn Grund Petersen Performance Information on the Front Line: A Behavioral Approach
November 2019 Ane Karoline Bak When the fiscal social contract is not about tax: Understanding the limited role of taxation in social accountability in Senegal
November 2019 Viki Møller Lyngby Pedersen The Imprudence Trilemma: Sufficiency, Non-Paternalism, and Cost-Sensitivity
September 2019 Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup Situation and Disposition: Who Radicalizes and How
September 2019 Anne Pintz Parliamentary Control of EU International Treaty-Making: Partisan Perspectives
August 2019 Nicolas Burmester International Organizations as Actors and Arenas in International Politics
June 2019 Fenja Søndergaard Møller Does Legitimacy Matter for Intrastate Armed Conflict?
May 2019 Søren Kølbæk Larsen Managing Complexity: Heuristics Use in Public Budgeting
May 2019 Sadi Shanaah Under Pressure: Muslim's Engagement in Counter-Extremism
April 2019 Mikkel Sejersen Severing the lifelines of tyranny: How individually targeted sanctions can decrease public, elite, and international support for autocratic regimes
March 2019 Jonas Gejl Pedersen The Russian Quest for Ontological Security
March 2019 Casper Sakstrup Third-Party Involvement in Civil War: Causes and Consequences
January 2019 Rasmus Skytte Why Politicians Seem so Rude and How it Affects Citizens
December 2018 Rachel Beach The Hunt for Revenues in a Poor State
December 2018 Morten Pettersson Identity in Political Opinion Formation: How Information Shapes the Influence of Citizens' Identities on Political Opinions
November 2018 Philipp Pechmann Architectural Policy Design: How Policy Makers Try to Shape Policy Feedback Effects When Designing Policies
November 2018 Julian Christensen Let's look at the facts: An investigation of psychological biases in policymakers' interpretation of policy-relevant information
November 2018 Hallbera West MP Firefighting: When do MPs hold government accountable?
November 2018 Louise Ladegaard Bro Leadership, Motivation and Span of Control
October 2018 Suthan Krishnarajan Economic Crisis and Regime Breakdown: A Conditional Relationship
October 2018 Miriam Lindner Of Friends and Foes: How Human Coalitional Psychology Shapes Public Reactions to Terrorism
October 2018 Jasper Schwampe Muslim Foreign Fighters in Armed Conflicts
October 2018 Alexander Bor Intention and Competence Impressions in Political Leader Evaluations
July 2018 Mads Thau The Use and Consequences of Group-Based Appeals
June 2018 Mathilde Cecchini The Healthy Child and the Child at Risk: The Formation and Transformation of Health, Risk and Non-risk Identities in the Encounter between Policy, Teachers and Pupils
June 2018 Kristina Jessen Hansen Perceptions of Rich and Poor People's Efforts and Public Opinion about Economic Redistribution
May 2018 Jakob Majlund Holm Performance Management in the Public Sector: Untying a Gordian Knot
April 2018 Thorbjørn Sejr Guul Social categories in the public sector: When they are applied and how to reduce discriminatory use
December 2017 Kristina Bakkær Simonsen Do They Belong? Host National Boundary Drawing and Immigrants' Identificational Integration
December 2017 Mathias Osmundsen Negativity and Public Opinion: Limits and Consequences of the negativity Bias in Politics
November 2017 Jonas Kraft The Politics of Investment: How Policy Structure Shapees Political Priorities
Juni 2017 Roman Senninger Political Parties & Parliamentary EU Oversight
Februar 2017 Jens Damgaard Thaysen On the Liberty of Scoundrels: Wrongfulness and the Justifiability of Criminalization
Februar 2017 David Delfs Erbo Andersen Stateness and Democratic Stability
December 2016 Åsne Kalland Aarstad Public/Private, Global/Local, and Land/Sea: International Relations and the Study of In-Betweenness
November 2016 Camilla Bjarnøe Evolution in Frames: Framing and Reframing of Policy Questions
Oktober 2016 Martin Bisgaard Perceiving the Unobservable. How partisanship and Everyday Life Influence Citizens' Perceptions of the National Economy
September 2016 Maria-Louise Clausen State-building in Fragile States: Strategies of Embedment
July 2016 Camilla Denager Staniok Work Commitment in Public Organizations
June 2016 Morten Hjortskov Larsen Citizen Satisfaction: Political Voice and Cognitive Biases
June 2016 Magnus Rasmussen How Organized Labor Shaped the Origin and Structure of the Regulatory Revolution 1870-2000
June 2016 Marie Kjærgaard Politics and Intergovernmental Grants
June 2016 Ulrich Thy Jensen Causes and Consequences of Public Service Motivation: Governance Interventions and performance Implications
June 2016 Lasse Lykke Rørbæk Escalating Ethnic Conflict: From Political Exclusion to Civil War
June 2016 Troels Bøggild Procedural Fairness and Public Opinion
May 2016 Kristian Kriegbaum Jensen Scandinavian Immigrant Integration Politics: Varieties of the Civic Turn
January 2016 Maria Falk Mikkelsen Effects of Managers on Public Service Performance
December 2015

Ekatherina Zhukova

Whose Responsibility? Chernobyl as Trauma Management in Belarus and Ukraine

November 2015

Ulrik Hvidman

Performance Measurement in the Public Sector: Impacts on Public Performance and Citizens' Perceptions

Oktober 2015

Helene Marie Fisker

Studies on the Development of Interest Group Populations in Corporative Systems

August 2015

Mogens Jin Pedersen

Capitalizing on the Forces within Us: Public Employee Motivation and Clmmitment at Work

August 2015

Heidi Skovgaard Klaaby

Empirical Essays on the Labor Market. Outcomes of PhD Graduates

Juni 2015

Mette Kjærgaard Thomsen

How do different types of public initiatives influence citizen coproduction?

Juni 2015

Mathias Wullum Nielsen

New and Persistent Gender Equality Challenges In Academia

Maj 2015

Merete Bech Seeberg

The Power to Control. How State Capacity and Economic Control Condition the Effect of Authoritarian Elections on Regime Stability

Maj 2015

Kim Sass Mikkelsen

Getting to Denmark, More or Less. Politics, Bureaucracy and Corruption Success Stories in East Central Europe

Januar 2015

Andreas Brøgger Albertsen

Prioritizing by the Roadside, at Bedside and in Health Policies: Luck Egalitarianism and the Role of Social and Personal Responsibility in Health

Oktober 2014

Laustsen, Lasse

Choosing the Right Candidate: How the Evolved Mind Votes in Modern Elections

August 2014

Degn, Lise

Making Sense of University Ideas. Exploring How Ideas Influence Management Practice and Perceptions in Danish Universities

Juni 2014

Axelsen, David V.

Global Redistributive Obligations in the Face of Severe Poverty

April 2014

Haase, Sanne

Professional Identity and Role of the Engineer in a Challenged Society

Marts 2014

Gissel, Line Engbo

Judicialising Peace. The International Criminal Court's Impact on Political Settlements in Kenya and Uganda

Februar 2014

Seeberg, Michael Aagaard

Democracy against the Odds

Januar 2014

Bartusevicius, Henrikas

The Inequality-Conflict Nexus Re-Examined

December 2013

Götz, Elias

Russia's Quest for Regional Hegemony

December 2013

Seeberg, Henrik Bech

The Power of the Loser: Opposition Policy Influence through Agenda-Setting

November 2013

Nielsen, Poul Aaes

Bounded Rationality og Resultatstyring: Kan resultatmåling styre offentligt ansattes opmærksomhed?

Oktober 2013

Lasse Nielsen

Interpersonel sammenligning i en sundhedspolitisk kontekst

Juni 2013

Rikke Fuglsang Olsen

Forældre i fængsel – effekten på børns livsforløb

Januar 2013

Johannes Engers Gregersen

Socialområdet – styringsperspektiver efter strukturreformen

Januar 2013

Henrik Jepsen

“Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed”
Issue linkage in the international climate change negotiations

Januar 2013

Florian Langbehn

Can Asian Tigers Be Transferred to the African Savannah? Exploring the Consequences and Origins of State Capacity in the Developing World

November 2012

Kjeldsen, Anne Mette

Sektorforskelle i public service motivation

Juni 2012

Christian Bøtcher Jacobsen

Management interventions and motivation crowding effects in public service provision

Maj 2012

Line Gustafsson

Analyzing primary school reforms – an ideational approach

Maj 2012

Anne Heeager Christensen

Samarbejdskonstruktioner mellem kommuner og regioner efter kommunalreformen

Marts 2012

Jakob Tolstrup

External Actors and Democratization. Russia and the EU Competing for Influence in Moldova, Ukraine, and Belarus 1991-2010

Marts 2012

Yonatan Schvartzman

Metastyring af markedsudvikling: Policystrategier og netværkskoordinering i udvikling af nye markeder

Januar 2012

Else Marie Holm

Betydningen af vores følelsesmæssige reaktioner for effekten af issue frames

November 2011

Johanne Glavind

Magtanvendelse og den internationale orden - en analyse af det internationale samfunds håndtering af det nye trusselsbillede, herunder konsekvenserne for den internationale orden

November 2011

Gunnar Thesen

Political agenda-setting in the Norwegian Parliament 1985-2005. The contingencies and autonomy of media influence

November 2011

Ingvild Olsen

The Council working parties – How do they work? An analysis of the negotiating climate in the Council preparatory bodies

September 2011

Rasmus Sommer Hansen

Lige ressourcer under ideelle og ikke-ideelle omstændigheder

August 2011

Morten Jakobsen

Organizational Support and Coproduction: An Experimental Study of Management Strategies in the Public Education Sector

Juni 2011

Christoph Arndt

Cleavage Structures and Welfare State Reforming

Maj 2011

Flemming Tait Svith

Politikkens medialisering og journalistiske forklaringer

Maj 2011

Nina Dadalauri

Post-Revolutionary State-Building and Its Approach to the Political Elite. The case of Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan

Januar 2011

Peter Thisted Dinesen

Institutions and Social Capital – An Analysis of the Institutional Determinants of Social Capital

December 2010

Lene Aarøe

Påvirker politisk eliteretorik borgernes holdninger? – Hvordan, hvem og om hvilke emner?

December 2010

Martin Bækgaard

Organisationsstrukturer og deres betydning for politikeres og embedsmænds præferencer

Juni 2010

Helene Helboe Pedersen

Politiske forlig og partiintern magtfordeling

Marts 2010

Marianne Sandvad Ulriksen

Africanisation of the Democratic State: A State-in-Society Approach to Understanding Democratic Development in Africa

Februar 2010

Stian Skår Ludvigsen

Post-mortem of the VP-function? An examination through the worst-case scenario

December 2009

Morten Brænder

Den civilreligiøse legitimering af krigen mod terror – religion og politik i det 21. århundredes første store konflikt

December 2009

Thomas Frank

Spredning og konvergens af en ledelsesside – National og lokal tilpasning?

November 2009

Marie Østergaard Møller

Hvad er smertegrænsen for sociale ydelser? Om forholdet mellem socialpolitik og solidaritet i velfærdsstaten

Oktober 2009

Carsten Jensen

Den dynamiske velfærdsstat. Et projekt om stabilitet og forandring i det offentliges udgiftsforbrug til velfærdsservices

Maj 2009

Rasmus Brun Pedersen

‘The Hidden Wars of European Integration’ Explaining National Preference Formation on European Treaty Reforms

Februar 2009

Steen Juul Hansen

Samspillet mellem de institutionelle rammer og den pædagogiske praksis på døgninstitutioner for børn og unge

December 2008

Jesper Wittrup

Institutionelt design i den offentlige sektor

November 2008

Flemming Juul Christiansen

Politiske forlig og aftaler i dansk politik

September 2008

Kim Sønderskov

Social kapital og kollektiv handling – miljøforbedringer som case
Social capital and collective action – the case of national environmental improvements

Juni 2008

Morten Valbjørn

After the Cultural Turn: IR Theory meets Area Studies

Juni 2008

Rune Slothuus

Budskaber i medierne og borgernes politiske holdningsdannelse
Mass media message flows and citizens’ political opinion formation

Maj 2008

Martin Ejnar Hansen

Dimensioner og afstemningsadfærd i parlamenter – et komparativt studie

September 2007

Michael Bang Petersen

Holdningsmønstre i reaktioner på kriminalitet

Marts 2007

Helle Ørsted Nielsen

Studie af rationel adfærd m.h.p. at opstille og vurdere et differentieret rationalitetsbegreb

Marts 2007

Lene Mosegaard Søberg

FN protektorater

Marts 2007

Simon Calmar Andersen

Politisk styring af skolerne: Nødvendigt og umuligt?

Februar 2007

Mads Leth Jakobsen

Konvergens i offentlig politik. Et projekt om betydningen af globalisering, europæisering og ideer for tværsektorale liberaliseringsreformer i danske netværksindustrier

Januar 2007

Svend-Erik Vrede Skaaning

Democracy besides Elections: An Exploration into the Causes of (Dis)Respect for Civil Liberties in Latin American and Post-Communist Countries

December 2006

Peter Bjerre Mortensen

Stabilitet og forandring i offentlig politik

November 2006

Anders Branth Pedersen

Netværksstrukturer i den danske miljøpolitiske beslutningsproces. En komparativ analyse af politiske beslutningsprocesser vedr. vådområders regulering og genopretning

August 2006

Pia Vedel Ankersen

Den politiske legitimitets oprindelse – et studie af børns politiske socialisering

Marts 2006

Rune Stubager

New Politics in Denmark: Cleavage or?
(Ny Politik i Danmark: Skillelinje eller?)

December 2005

Anne Binderkrantz

Interesseorganisationers indflydelsesstrategier

December 2005

Lotte Bøgh Andersen

Offentligt ansattes strategier: Folkeskolelærere, dagplejere, politifolk og børnetandlæger

December 2005

Lars Thorup Larsen

Liberty, Equality and Health – a Genealogy of the Biopolitical Arts of Government in Post-war Public Health Strategies

December 2005

Gitte Sommer Harrits

Sociologisk teori (særligt Habermas, Luhmann og Bourdieu); kritisk teori; videnskabsteori; klasseteori; marxisme; social differentiering; social og politisk ulighed i Danmark såvel som i andre lande; dannelsen af nye klasser i 'postindustrielle' samfund.

Oktober 2005

Stefan Brendstrup

Omregulering og konkurrenceskabelse i elforsyningen

Maj 2005


Jakob Linaa Jensen

Internettets demokratiske konsekvenser

November 2004

Jens Rudbeck

Democratization and Ethnic Conflict in Third World Countries

September 2004

Rikke Skou Jensen

Institutionaliserede samarbejdsstrukturer – medindflydelse, drift og ledelse – en komparativ analyse af medarbejderes indflydelse på offentlige og private arbejdspladser

April 2004

William L. Mitchell

Denmark, IGOs, and the Kosovo Refugee Crisis: Explaining Policy Deviance

Marts 2004

Søren Serritzlew

Offentlig budgetlægning i et institutionelt perspektiv

December 2003

Martin Enevoldsen

Why do we need voluntary agreements in environmental policies?

Oktober 2003

Kristian Høyer Toft

International Justice and Justificatary Models

December 2002

Bernhard Hansen

Party Activism in Denmark. A Micro Level Approach to a Cross-sectional Analysis of the Correlates of Party Activism

November 2002

Asbjørn Skjæveland

Government Formation in the Kingdom of Denmark 1953-1998/Partiadfærd i Folketinget: Regeringsdannelse og indgåelse af forlig m.v.

November 2002

Vibeke Lehmann Nielsen

Dialogens Pris. – Uformelle spilleregler, ressourceasymmetri og forskelsbehandling i offentligt tilsyn

November 2002

Thomas Olesen

From armed rebellion to social movement: Opportunities and limitations for social and political protest in the age of globalization and democratization – the case of the EZLN in Mexico

Maj 2002

Søren Flinch Midtgaard

Equality and Stability

November 2001

Anne Mette Kjær

The Politics of Civil Service Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Uganda and Tanzania in the 1990s

Marts 2001

Christoffer Green-Pedersen

How Politics Still Matters. Retrenchment of old-age pensions, unemployment benefits, and disability pensions/early retirement benefits in Denmark and in the Netherlands from 1982 to 1998

November 2000

Hanne Marlene Dahl

Den diskursive konstruktion af omsorgsbehov og omsorgskvalifikationer ud fra et kønsperspektiv. Case: Hjemmehjælp

Oktober 2000

Lars Johannsen

The Constitution and Democracy: The Choice and Consequence of the Constitution in Post-Communist Countries

September 2000

Liselotte Odgaard

Deterrence and Cooperation in the South China Sea. An Analysis of the Spratly Dispute and Its Implications for Regional order between the RPC and Southeast Asia after the Cold War

December 1999

Tonny Brems Knudsen

Humanitarian Intervention and International Society: Contemporary Manifestations of an Explosive Doctrine

Juni 1999

Aksel V. Carlsen

Socialdemokratismens muligheder og begrænsninger i det postsovjetiske Rusland

December 1998

Jens Blom-Hansen

Studier i statens styring af den kommunale sektors økonomi

Juni 1998

Jens Bejer Damgaard

Styring og effektivitet. Organisering af dansk børnepasning

Oktober 1998

Iben Nathan

When Poor People Participate. A Case Study of a Local Government Election in a Locality of Rural Bangladesh

December 1997

Lars Bo Kaspersen

War, State, Sovereignty & Citizenship

September 1997

Thomas Pallesen

Health Care Reforms in Britain and Denmark: The Politics of Economic Success and Failure

Juni 1997

Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard

The Politics of Institutional Control: Corporatism in Danish Occupational Safety and Health Regulation and Unemployment Insurance, 1870-1995

Jan. 1997

Lars Dahl Pedersen

The Politics of Cost Containment in Public Services. Hospital Budgeting in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands, 1978-29

Jan. 1997

Peter Viggo Jakobsen

Western Use of Coercive Diplomacy after the Cold War: A Challenge for Theory and Practice

Jan. 1997

Qi Wang

National and Sub-national Elites: Women in Chinese Politics 1949-1990

December 1996

Carsten Daugbjerg

Policy Networks under Pressure: Policy Reform, Pollution Control and the Power of Farmers

November 1996

Aase Mygind Madsen

Untouchables: Stuck at the Bottom or Moving Upward? A Study of Changing Conditions for the Scheduled Castes in Five Villages in Karnataka, South India

Juni 1996

Artis Pabriks

From Nationalism to Ethnic Policy: The Latvian Nation in the Present and the Past

Oktober 1995

Karsten Skjalm

Det europæiske valutasamarbejdes politiske økonomi. Europæisk monetær integration fra Haag til Maastricht

September 1995

Henrik Jensen

Arenaer eller aktører? En analyse af Folketingets stående udvalg

Juli 1995

Lene Bøgh Sørensen

Politisk udvikling og regime transformationer. En præsentati­on og diskussion af udvalgte teorier om politisk udvikling, re­gimeskift og demokratiudvikling i lyset af den ungarske case

Jan. 1995

Jens Peter Frølund Thomsen

Trade Unions and British Politics in the 1980s: Governing Against Pressure

November 1993

Torben K. Jensen

Politik i prãxis. Aspekter af danske folketingsmedlemmers politiske kultur og livsverden

Oktober 1993

Jens Henrik Haahr

Looking to Europe. The EC policies of the British Labour Party and the Danish Social Democrats

Oktober 1993

Mikael Skou Andersen

Governance by Green Taxes: Implementing Clean Water Policies in Denmark, France, Germany and the Netherlands 1970-1990

Juni 1993

Karen Ejersbo Iversen

The Japan-EC Relation. A Secondary Bargain in a Triangular Trade Policy Confrontation

Jan. 1993

Niels Dalgaard

Den industrielle Parlamentarisme

August 1992

Bjarne Ibsen

Frivilligt arbejde i idrætsforeninger

April 1992

Knud Erik Jørgensen

Vesteuropas østpolitik. En analyse af vesteuropæisk multilateral østpolitik i 1980’erne

September 1991

Bjarne Jacobsen

Max Weber og Friedrich Albert Lange. Max Webers rationalitetssociologi, en anti-filosofi. Rødder tilbage til F.A. Lange?

August 1991

Peter M. Pilgaard

Kernevåbennedrustning i Europa

Februar 1991

Jørgen Christensen

Demokratiet og sikkerhedspolitikken: En analyse af Folketingets rolle i sikkerhedspolitikken


Peter Nedergaard

’EF’s markedsintegration. En økonomisk analyse


Johannes Michelsen

Pengene eller livet. Privat ejendomsret, aktieselskaber og politik


Jøren Humlum

Politisk argumentation


Jesper Bo Jensen

Regulering og deregulering af de danske penge- og kapitalmarkeder


Jørgen Dige Pedersen

Syd-Syd-relationer. En analyse af Indiens og Brasiliens relationer til Den tredje Verden siden 1970 – med særligt henblik på at belyse staternes rolle i internationaliserings­processen


Peter Munk Christiansen

Teknologi mellem stat og marked. Dansk teknologi-politik 1970-1987


Erik Albæk

Fra sandhed til information. Evalueringsforskning i USA – før og nu


Andreas P. Cornett

Den offentlige sektor og den regionale udvikling – et studie af vækst og regional fordeling med udgangspunkt i Sønderjyllands amtskommune