This course presents a modern approach to studying causal questions in political
science. In the first half of the course we introduce the core concepts of causality
and inference, how to do experiments and two basic frameworks for analyzing
data (linear regression and matching).
In the second part of the course we
look at different strategies for identifying causal effects using observational data.
Throughout, we will look at different applications of the methods we use, and we
will also give you a chance to apply the different methods in weekly assignments.
The overall goal of the course is to become a critical consumer of causal
claims in the social sciences and to give you the tools needed to do causal
inference in practice.
In the first class you will be split into study groups. You can use these study groups to complete the weekly assignments which are uploaded to Brightspace one week before each class.
We will use longer excerpts from the following books
Read Appendices A and B for good context on some of the notation and operators that we will use.