New PhD Student - Mathias Stenner Falkvist

Hi everyone
My name is Mathias and I recently started as a PhD student at the department. As I have done both my BA and MA here at the department, I am glad to be back in the yellow buildings after a whopping 5 months “in the real world” working at The Ministry of Taxation.
My research will focus on voters’ willingness to trade-off democratic values for other political concerns, and whether political elites are able to influence how voters conceive of democracy. Fortunately, I will have some help as Svend-Erik Skaaning and Suthan Krishnarajan will be supervising the project.
In my free time, I am an avid and passionate rock climber who devotes a substantial portion of my time to the various climbing centers around Aarhus. While notably less passionately I also do enjoy the occasional run. Feel free to drop by my office (1332-122) for a chat about democratic backsliding, political elites or even climbing. I look forward to meeting you all!