Ph.d.-forsvar: Simone Sommer Degn
“Based on your research so far, how would you describe the folk psychological concept of discrimination? What, in your view, is the more urgent research needed for an improved understanding of the concept of discrimination?” er emnet for Simone Sommer Degns ph.d.-forsvar.
Oplysninger om arrangementet
A1, bygning 1333, lokale 101
Simone Sommer Degn forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling med titlen “Discrimination of the people, by the people, against the people: exploring ordinary usage and individual anti-discrimination duties.”
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Tid og sted:
15.12.2023 13:15-15:00
A1, bygning 1333, lokale 101
Lecturer Mollie Gerver, King’s College London
Professor Asmus Leth Olsen, Copenhagen University
Lektor Marion Kathe Godman, Aarhus University (Forperson).