Svend-Erik Skaaning new president for Danish Political Science Association
At the recent annual meeting of Danish Political Science Association, Professor of Political Science Svend-Erik Skaaning was appointed new president.

“I look forward to continuing the good work of my predecessor Michael Baggesen Klitgaard, AAU. I’ve participated in board meetings for the last year. This was a positive experience, and I’m sure the fruitful collaboration will continue,” says Professor of Political Science Svend-Erik Skaaning about the new position as president of the Danish Political Science Association.
The primary task of the association is to organise an annual conference where all subdisciplines of political science are represented. In addition, it is the association’s responsibility to represent Danish political science in connection to the Nordic organisation NOPSA and the global organisation IPSA.
Members of the board are one representative from the following Danish institutions:
- Department of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University
- Department of Political Science at University of Copenhagen
- Department of Political Science at University of Southern Denmark
- Department of Politics and Society at Aalborg University
- Read more about Svend-Erik Skaaning and his research
- Read more about Danish Political Science Association