The research team leadership for the audit of power and democracy has been selected
Research director Michael Bang Petersen has now put together the research team leadership who will be heading up the work on a new audit of power and democracy in Denmark. The research project has been named An Analysis of Democracy and Power in Denmark 2.0.

An academically broad group of professors from different research institutions will be coordinating the work on the new audit of power and democracy.
Michael Bang Petersen, research director and professor of political science at Aarhus University, has just put together his team. Michael Bang Petersen himself is an expert in citizens’ trust of political systems, marginalisation and social media. Besides Michael Bang Petersen, the research team leadership will consist of:
Anne Binderkrantz, professor of political science, Aarhus University
- Expert on the interplay between political decision-makers and surrounding society, including business and industry
Lene Holm Pedersen, professor of political science, University of Copenhagen
- Expert in public administration and the working conditions for politicians and civil servants
Nanna Mik-Meyer, professor of sociology, Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
- Expert in marginalisation processes, less visible forms of power and qualitative methods
David Nicolas Hopmann, professor of political communication, University of Southern Denmark
- Expert in the altered media landscape and the interplay between media, politics and citizens
"The research team leadership is made up of some of the most competent researchers in power and democracy in Denmark. The composition of the team reflects the Danish Parliament's wish for an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional group that can cover the relevant themes of the mandate. It was also important to ensure that the research team leadership had extensive experience with research management and had expertise within the entire range of methodological approaches necessary to uncover complex concepts such as power and legitimacy," says research director Michael Bang Petersen. He was appointed to the role of research director on 27 May by the Minister for Higher Education and Science on the recommendation of Independent Research Fund Denmark.
The role of the research team leadership is to coordinate all activities and prepare the final report. However, many other researchers will be involved in the project. In the near future, researchers with specialist knowledge within their own field will be able to add their own vital pieces to the jigsaw puzzle that will provide a picture of the state and conditions of Danish democracy in the 21st century.
"In terms of funding, the new audit of power and democracy has received significantly less than the original audit. On the other hand, Danish research into power and democracy is significantly stronger than it was 20 years ago. There are many researchers who already have extensive knowledge of the areas that the Analysis of Democracy and Power in Denmark 2.0 will have to cover. If this operation is going to succeed, then it’s crucial that we activate and mobilise the people and the knowledge that already exist out there. This is one of the most important tasks we in the research team leadership are facing," says Michael Bang Petersen.
An Analysis of Democracy and Power in Denmark 2.0
The final report for Denmark's original audit of power and democracy was published in 2003, the year before Facebook was launched. The technological development and the changes to the media landscape that have taken place since then are some of the reasons why the Danish Parliament decided that a new audit should be carried out. This is also why the new research project has been titled An Analysis of Democracy and Power in Denmark 2.0, says Michael Bang Petersen.
“We chose the name to signal the task ahead of us: to provide an up-to-date audit of power and democracy in Denmark that has been adapted to the way the world has changed since the first audit.”
Visit the Analysis of Democracy and Power in Denmark 2.0 website to learn more (in Danish only).