
Workshop with Professor Stuart Soroka: "How to publish - great articles and books"

Info about event


Wednesday 13 November 2024,  at 12:00 - 12:55




Lene Aarøe

Professor Stuart Soroka from UCLA will be visiting our department on November 11-14. On November 13 he will be leading an informal workshop sharing advice and experiences on how to get published — whether in articles or books.

The goal of the workshop is to share and discuss advice that is often not written down anywhere. Professor Soroka will discuss how to identify great puzzles and research questions that are worth spending time on – and how to write up the contributions in a compelling way. The discussion will include a focus on both article abstracts and article introductions as well as book proposals. Soroka will open with a short presentation followed by time for Q&A. The ambition is to provide an international perspective that will be valuable and motivating for participants at all stages of publishing experience.

Professor Soroka brings extensive expertise, having published widely across top university presses and leading journals in political science, communications, and political psychology, both single-authored and with co-authors. Since 2019, he has served as the Editor of Cambridge Elements in Politics and Communication.

All are welcome. No registration needed.

Note: You are welcome to bring your lunch to the workshop.